
Since September, 22nd 2005, Alpha NDT has started supplying the Radiographic Testing service for the pipes of THE SIXTEENTH PROJECT OF 2002 (EP-16). EP-16 is the project to construct the Pressure-creation System for WHITE TIGER FIELD Platform which belonged to M8-M9 Platform system of Vietsovpetro. The project’s sole investor is Vietsovpetro and Vinh Nam Company (VAM Co. Ltd.) is the major contractor to carry out the design.


According to the agreement between Alpha NDT and Vam Co. Ltd., Alpha NDT has executed to inspect the pipes of the Pressure-creation System by using Radiographic Testing service to assess the welds of high pressure pipe systems. These pipes include many different sizes such as: 1½ inches, 2 inches, 3 inches and 4 inches. The volume of Alpha’s work is estimated 300 welds with 950 films of RT. For this method, Alpha NDT’s technicians are required professional technique as well as the care in their operation.


This work is performed at Tan Binh Industrial Zone and expected to complete at the beginning of November.